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GUYFRIDAY: "Halloweenie"
photo courtesy of Joey Adami
Joey Adami
I managed to spend most of the last two weeks with Daniel. We went to dinner. I took him to a few favorite haunts for late night cocktails. On Sunday, we did brunch. We shopped our way through Chinatown, followed up with a movie, and walked the entire way home lost in good conversation.
“Will what’s with that guy and Joey?” Grady asked, as Marc, his boyfriend, grabbed his head. Will finished up his costume, a sexy lumberjack with a tight flannel shirt rolled to the elbow, grease-stained jeans, and tough work boots.
“Stop moving,” Marc huffed. The bright red yarn wig practically glowed against Grady’s milky complexion.
“Not much to tell,” Will answered Grady. “He has an on and off BF in the Peace Corps in some remote jungle…Has a degree in marketing and works for a division of Sin City Vodka”
“Not much to say? You practically have a dossier on the guy!” Marc announced.
“So which one is Bopo and which one is Bozo?”
“We are Raggedy Ann and Andy!” Grady snapped. Luke kicked off his sneakers, heading to the bathroom for a quick shower.
“Cute,” Luke replied, rolling his eyes back into his head.
“We are classic,” Marc said, giving Grady a kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah, classic,” Luke said, popping his naked body through the door, “Faggotty Andy and his beard-butch sister Ann!”
Sin City Vodka transformed Times Square into the ultimate Funhouse. There were three stories of complete madness, and it was wickedly fantastic. Glittered dancers swung from trapeze-like swings overhead and gigantic flashing orbs pulsated to the music, that the DJ was spinning, from the mouth of a oversized grimacing clown.
There were live sideshow acts, nude go-go boys and burlesque girls on stilts on stages, drag-queens, dozens of copycat Lady Gaga meat-dress-messes, and if that was not enough, every scope and surface everywhere was a dizzying reflection of mirrored glass.
But I decided I might forgo the bash and opt instead for a phone-date with my boyfriend Finn. I finished lighting the last of the few pumpkins I carved, opened a box of Mallomars, and answered my buzzing phone with “Happy Halloween.”
“Same to you, Joey” Finn giggled. “I'm actually about to run out. A few guys invited me to a party, but I don't have to go, if you want to talk.”
The brightness in my voice fused out as I looked around my empty apartment. Even the jolly twinkling pumpkins seemed to frown.
“No, go. It’s Halloween silly!  Go,” I said.
Finishing up the quick conversation with a kiss into the receiver, I sprang up. Daniel said if he goes to the Funhouse tonight, I will know it’s him, in costume. Plus the guys are already there. I blew out the candles and ran to my closet….

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